
It feels as if it's been ages the last time I posted something. But then five years is a long time!

Blog or no blog life goes on but off late I'd been feeling a kind of uneasiness. That feeling of missing something in life even when things are on the sunny side. As if there is a bug in my head that doesn't let me lie in peace.

So here I'm. Back to hurl my questions at the universe. Not in expectation of an answer or a reply but more for the sake of just being out there.

The roller-coaster of life has played well in the past few years. Granted me a Post-Graduate degree, introduced me to the Corporate world, showed me how even different jobs, companies or bosses ultimately boils down to the same thing- being happy.

I realised (something that I always knew to start with) that my passion is in travelling. Near, far, here, there. Everywhere. And that I love trying out new things. Whatever it is. May it be scuba diving (what if I don't know how to swim!) or act in short films (yup, will write about it pretty soon).
Another 'taste' I developed was towards different cuisines. So visiting new restaurants has almost become a ritual now.

So you can soon read my blogs (If I don't disappear in to thin air again!) on travel, food (no, absolutely no recipes, may be just experiences in various restaurants and cuisines) and also about small other things that keep bugging me once in a while (like what if we are aliens ourselves and meant to populate some other planet in the future!)

The journey has just begun and the road ahead looks inviting. Join me in this journey of life where I'm hoping for some interesting pit stops along the way.

Read in and drop a line if something catches your eye.


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